Mifflinburg Borough Council has adopted a sewer lateral inspection Ordinance. This takes effect immediately and requires that prior to the transfer of ownership of any property in the Borough, the property owner must have the sewer lateral inspected (using a camera) as well as down spouts, floor drains and sump pump connections. This work is to be completed by a contractor with a Borough representative present to determine if there are any failing pipes or illegal connections. If any deficiencies are noted they must be repaired and then the property must be re-inspected before an Evidence of Compliance Certificate can be issued. The Ordinance and the inspection forms are available on the Borough’s website.
This Ordinance was enacted to help us eliminate some of our inflow and infiltration issues which contribute to our hydraulic overloads, which have caused our system to experience violations and to be placed under a connection prohibition by PA DEP.
For more information please contact the Borough Office – (570) 966-1013.
Thank you for your cooperation.